12th Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture: How to Decide Which Medical and Health Information You Should Trust

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Fake news? Alternative facts? Overly hyped “breakthroughs”? Irreproducible scientific research results? Preprints? Gaslighting the medical literature? What to do?

Finding and trusting the best published primary medical literature is the answer. Our speakers for the 12th Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture at The Commonwealth Club, JAMA Editor in Chief Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo and BMJ Editor in Chief Kamran Abbasi, are among the premier guardians of that literature. Hear their advice, and then ask them your own questions about whom and what to trust—especially now when deciding which medical information is trustworthy has become so crucial and so confusing.

Eighth Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture

“The Case Against Sugar”

The eighth annual Lundberg Institute Lecture welcomes best-selling author Gary Taubes.


Gary Taubes, Author of best selling books Good Calories; Bad Calories (2007) and  Why We Get Fat (2010) brings the audience up to date from his best selling 2016 The Case Against Sugar.


George Lundberg, MD, Professor, Pathology, Health Research Policy, Stanford University; Editor-at-Large, Medscape; Founder of The Lundberg Institute


Non-member: $22.09
Member: $8.00
Student: $8.38

Seventh Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture

“Deconstructing America’s High Priced Healthcare”

The seventh annual Lundberg Institute Lecture welcomes Elisabeth Rosenthal, MD, author of “An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take it Back.”


Elisabeth Rosenthal, MD, is the author of the 2017 New York Times bestseller, “An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take it Back.” She was a reporter and senior writer at the New York Times for 22 years, winning numerous awards for her coverage of health and the environment as well as for foreign coverage in China. Her series, “Paying Till it Hurts,” is credited with catalyzing a national conversation on America’s high-priced care. Since 2016, she has been Editor-in-Chief of Kaiser Health News, an independent non-profit newsroom based in Washington DC, focusing on health and health policy.


George Lundberg, MD, Professor, Pathology, Health Research Policy, Stanford University; Editor-at-Large, Medscape; Founder of The Lundberg Institute

An American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take it Back,” the talk will look at just that. Everyone knows that the U.S. health system is by far the most expensive in the world, with spending/prices for drugs, procedures and hospitalizations that are many times those in other developed countries. And for all that, we don’t generally get better care or better results. I’ll look at the evolution of the U.S. health system over the last 3 decades and how it moved from a caring endeavor to a financially driven system where profit rather than patient good was the prime motivation. I’ll trace how commercial forces and interests were allowed to insinuate themselves into medical practice, step-by-step, so no one protested much…or even noticed…until the prices got sky high. We now live in a system where medical machinery comes with brochures on how to recoup return-on-investment and ambulance companies as well as dialysis units are owned by venture capital firms.  But the ultimate message is one of optimism and hope. Once patients-voters-consumers understand how the system functions and how our healthcare has been hijacked for profit, the book offers many ways to push back, to begin untangling the mess we’re in. I discuss some of those, from strategies to protect your wallet when you enter the hospital or doctor’s office to reforms that should be voter issues at the state and national level. I believe that if patients and physicians stand up for medicine we will get better, cheaper care. The books ends: “Given the false choice between your money or your life, it’s time to take a stand for the latter.

Dr. Leana Wen

Sixth Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture

“Public Health and Physician Activism: Lessons from Baltimore”

The sixth annual Lundberg Institute Lecture welcomes Leana Wen, MD, Commissioner of Health for Baltimore City, as the 6th annual Lundberg Lecturer.


Educated at Cal State, LA (Summa Cum Laude at age 18) Wash U, Merton College, Oxford, and Harvard MS, Dr. Wen is an Emergency Physician, a noted book author, and a featured TED MED speaker. 


George Lundberg, MD, Professor, Pathology, Health Research Policy, Stanford University; Editor-at-Large, Medscape; Founder of The Lundberg Institute


Non-member: $22.09
Member: $8.00
Student: $8.38

Patient Safety: Get the Diagnosis Right

Fifth Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture

Patient Safety: Get the Diagnosis Right

The fifth annual Lundberg Institute Lecture welcomes three panelists from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine. Modern medical science accepts the obvious fact that no one can know absolute medical truth. It is understood that diagnoses act as shortcuts intended to quickly convey a common understanding of what certain symptoms imply about a body’s state of health. But it is also clear that errors in diagnoses can be as lethal as therapeutic errors. Join the discussion with medical experts focusing on how to improve diagnostic clarity and effectiveness.


Elizabeth McGlynn, PhD, Director of Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Effectiveness and Safety Research
Urmimala Sarkar, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine in Residence at UCSF
Kathryn McDonald, M.M., Executive Director of the Center for Health Policy and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research at Stanford University


George Lundberg, MD, Professor, Pathology, Health Research Policy, Stanford University; Editor-at-Large, Medscape; Founder of The Lundberg Institute


Non-member: $22.09
Member: $8.00
Student: $8.38

George Lundberg, MD, Chief Medical Officer of CollabRx

CollabRx: Applied Oncogenomics for Doctors & Patients

CollabRx: Applied Oncogenomics for Doctors & Patients

The field of precision medicine is booming. There’s hype, there’s hope, a little bit of both, but very vibrant science.”
—George D. Lundberg, MD

Atul Gawande

Fourth Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture

Announcing the 2014 Lundberg Institute Lecture: “The Checklist Manifesto and Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End” on Wednesday, October 22 at 12:30 PM PST.

Atul Gawande MD, Professor of Surgery at the Harvard Medical School and at the Harvard School of Public Health.
CMWC at 575 Market St in San Francisco. Tickets are available at www.commonwealthclub.org . Advance purchase is strongly recommended.

peter lee

Third Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture

Announcing the 2013 Lundberg Institute Lecture: “Covered California” on Thursday, November 14 at 6:00 PM PST.

Peter V Lee JD, the Executive Director of “Covered California”
Speaker Details:
Covered California – Affordable, High Quality Health Care Is On Its Way! Covered California is bringing affordable, high quality health insurance to 5.3 million Californians. Executive Director Peter V. Lee shares an overview of how Covered California will provide statewide outreach and education, smooth enrollment via online and in-persons pathways, and health plans from known and trusted health insurance companies. Open enrollment starts October 1, 2013 with coverage taking effect January 1, 2014. The Affordable Care Act and will be a historic change to the American health care fabric, and Peter V. Lee is proud that Covered California will help lead the way.


Second Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture

Announcing The Second Annual Lundberg Institute Lecture: “A Bright Future for Health Care: Is It Possible?” on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 at 6:00 PM PST.

Donald Berwick, MD, Former President and CEO, Institute for Healthcare Improvement; Former Administrator, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Speaker Details:
The second annual Lundberg Institute Lecture welcomes Dr. Berwick, who studies the management of health care systems with emphasis on using scientific methods and evidence-based medicine and comparative effectiveness research to improve the tradeoff among quality, safety and costs. In the ongoing difficult transition to the Obama health plan, Dr. Berwick’s analysis of these issues has been resisted by Republican lawmakers. So has his forthright conclusion that “Any health care funding plan that is just, equitable, civilized and humane must, must redistribute wealth from the richer among us to the poorer and the less fortunate. Excellent health care is by definition redistributional.” Also hear Dr. Berwick’s ideas on whether government rationing of health care is to be feared or embraced. MLF(s)

elliot fisher

The Inaugural Lecture of The Lundberg Institute Lectureship

The Inaugural lecture of The Lundberg Institute Lectureship will be given by Elliott S Fisher, MD, MPH at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco at 600 PM on Tuesday, October 25, 2011.

The topic will be:

Achieving A Sustainable Health Care System: What Might We Do?

Dr Fisher  received his BA and MD from Harvard and his MPH from U Washington.
He is Professor of Medicine and Community and Family Medicine at the Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice.
He will speak in detail about Accountable Care Organizations as part of the solution.
Dr. Fisher is a general internist whose research focuses on exploring both the causes and the implications for health and health policy of regional variations in Medicare spending and practice. He has broad expertise in the use of Medicare databases and survey research methods for health care evaluation. His recent two-part series on the implications of regional variations in Medicare spending suggests that about 30% of current U.S. health care spending is devoted to services that provide no apparent health benefits — and may be harmful. His work questions the widely held assumption that in medical care, more is always better.